Post on 18-Nov-2021

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TODAY IS THE DAY! Our bicentennial look into the

future of the Church

Church Sanctuary, 3:30pm Rev Dr Thomas Gaunt, SJ

Rev Msgr Michael Clay, DMin

Come to hear these two experienced and informed speakers help us understand the trends. They will help us know the present

state of the Church and some of the challenges for tomorrow. The Pastoral

Council of our parish will be our hosts for prayer, music, lecture, reflection and

questions and answers. The time will fly by! “You don’t want to miss this!”

Dynamic Saint Paul, indeed!


Father Thomas Tully, Pastor

Deacon Rick Fisher, Parish Deacon

Deacon Jim Hackett, Parish Deacon

Deacon Dan Doban, Parish Deacon

Deacon David Kierski, Saint Paul School Principal


Saint Paul:




1821 - 2021

3005 Country Club Road New Bern, NC 28562


Saturday . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 pm Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am, 11:00 am, . . . . . . . . .. . 1:00 pm (Misa en Español) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:30 am (in Oriental) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 am and 6:00 pm Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am at Old Saint Paul

Office: M-F 8:30-4:00pm (252) 638-1984

Saint Paul Catholic School (252) 633-0100

Saint Peter the Fisherman Mission Parish in Oriental

(252) 249-3687





All three readings today support—each in its own way, of course—a reflec on

on the humanity of Jesus Christ and how that humanity played a key role in the drama of our salva on. Although not chosen specifically to coordinate with the other two readings, today’s second reading does in fact carry forward the theme of Christ’s humanity in a remarkable way. The author of the Le er to the Hebrews highlights the solidarity that exists between Jesus and us, precisely because in His human nature, Jesus has known the same sufferings and tes ng that are our own experience. Because He can “sympathize with our weaknesses,” we can “approach the throne of grace to receive mercy.” For the author of Hebrews, the humanity of Jesus was an essen al requirement for His redemp ve death, as well as an invita on to us to find in Jesus someone with whom we can iden fy in our daily struggles. © J. S. Paluch Co.


First Reading — My servant shall jus fy many, and their guilt He shall bear (Isaiah 53:10-11). Psalm — Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in You (Psalm 33). Second Reading — Let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for

mely help (Hebrews 4:14-16). Gospel — Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all (Mark 10:35-45 [42-45]).


Monday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-18; Lk 10:1-9 Tuesday: Rom 5:12-21; Ps 40:7-17; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124:1b-8; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Rom 6:19-23; Ps 1:1-6; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119:66-94; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Rom 8:1-11; Ps 24:1b-6; Lk 13:1-9


Isaac Jogues and his companions were the first martyrs of North America. As a young Jesuit, Isaac Jogues gave up his teaching career to work among the Huron Indians in the New World in 1636.

The Hurons were always at war with the Iroquois, and in a few years Father Jogues was captured and imprisoned for 13 months. He was beaten, tortured, and forced to watch as his Huron converts were mangled and killed. An unexpected chance for escape came to Isaac Jogues and he returned to France, bearing the marks of his sufferings. Several fingers had been cut, chewed or burnt off. Welcomed home as a hero, Father Jogues might have sat back, thanked God for his safe return, and died peacefully in his homeland. But his zeal led him back once more to the fulfillment of his dreams. In 1646 he sailed off to be with the Hurons in Iroquois country, believing that a recently signed peace treaty would be observed. He was captured by a Mohawk war party, who always thought him a prac oner of evil magic. Issac Jogues was tomahawked and beheaded. His religious zeal and unflinching courage fully jus fied sainthood. Saint Isaac Jogues is the Patron of North America and Norway.

A Day of Reflec on and Ac on in the Defense of Human Life" will provide an opportunity to reflect on the sanc ty of life while working toward a culture that upholds human life and

dignity in Eastern North Carolina. The Annuncia on Catholic Church Respect Life Commi ee will host this ecumenical gathering. All are welcome on October 23rd, from 9:00am-1:30pm Con nental breakfast and a ernoon snack box will be provided. Registra on appreciated for planning purposes. on-and-ac on-in-the

-defense-of-human-life- ckets-175091482337



Monday and Tuesday - Mass at 8am in the Church Wednesday - School Mass at 9am in the Church and Mass at 6pm in the Church Thursday - Mass at 8am in the Church, followed by Eucharis c Adora on and Benedic on Friday - Mass at 8am at Old Saint Paul, Middle Street

THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES Sunday 10/17 8:00AM Mass - Church Saint Paul Parish Family 9:00AM Olive Branch open ll 1:00PM 9:30AM AAMEN Group Mee ng - FLC3 9:30AM Faith Forma on - School 9:30AM Parents 1st Reconcilia on Mtg - Library 10:00AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Church 10:30AM Mass - Oriental 10:30AM Chaplet of Divine Mercy - SJC 11:00AM Mass - Church +Kathleen Daly 1:00PM Misa - Church 3:30PM Bicentennial Event - “Future of Catholicism Next 50 Years” 6:00PM Confirma on Classes - School Library Monday 10/18 8:00AM Mass - Church +Raymond Cummings 11:00AM Ladies Cards - FLC2 6:00PM Gospel Choir Prac ce - Church 6:30PM RCIA - FLC 2 & 3 Tuesday 10/19 8:00AM Communion Service - Church 10:30AM No Mass - Oriental 12:00PM One in the Spirit Prayer Group - SJC 1:00PM Prayer Shawl Ministry - FLC3 6:30PM Life+Heaven - School Library 7:00PM Folk Choir Prac ce - Church Wednesday 10/20 9:00AM Olive Branch open ll 11:00AM 9:00AM Mass - Church St Joseph the Worker 3:00PM JCDA Mee ng - FLC3 5:00PM Medjugorje Prayer Group - Church/SJC 6:00PM Mass - Church +Maura McHugh 7:00PM Adora on with Rosary - SJC 7:00PM Hispanic Choir Prac ce - Church 7:45PM Evening Prayer with Benedic on - SJC Thursday 10/21 8:00AM Mass -Church +June Eloise Cornelius 8:45AM Adora on - Church 10:45AM Reconcilia on - Confessional Room 11:45AM Benedic on - Church 6:00PM Chancel Choir Prac ce - Church Friday 10/22 8:00AM Mass - OSP +Edward Mazzilli 8:30AM Preserva on Guild Mee ng - OSP Saturday 10/23 7:00AM Men’s Bible Study - Conference Room 8:00AM Morning Prayer & Communion - Church 9:30AM CDA Mee ng - Conference Room 3:30PM Reconcilia on - Confessional Room 5:00PM Mass - Church +Wallace Hines Kirby 6:30PM Bible Study - FLC 2 & 3


The Knights of Columbus will be collec ng for their annual LAMB collec on a er all

Masses this weekend. Thank you for your generosity in helping our local schools those who and care for

the intellectually challenged.


The Knights of Columbus will hold their annual Jim Whetzel Memorial Shrimp Boil on Friday, October 22,

at the Columbus Club Hall at 1125 Pine Tree Drive.

Drive-thru will be available from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. Eat-In will start with a social at 5pm and dinner at 6pm.

The cost is $20.00. Tickets will be on sale a er masses this weekend.



On Sunday, October 31st, a er the 11AM Mass, the Knights of Columbus MSGR James

R. Jones Council 3303 will hold the annual Memorial Ceremony in the church to

honor brothers who have passed in the last year. Knights, spouses and widows of Knights are invited. A re for Knights will be blue blazer and grey slacks.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The Knights will also hold a luncheon to Honor Our

Widows on October 31st, at 1PM, in the Columbus Club Hall. Tickets for the luncheon will be on sale in the

Atrium a er all masses on October 23 and 24.

Look for informa on about this year’s Boun ful Tree Gi s

and the CDA’s Bake/Jewelry Sale in

next week’s bulle n!

Saturday, October 30th, at 1:00pm Decorate your car trunks for prizes!

Be there by 12:30pm to set up. Don’t miss it!

Everyone Welcome!


The Wedding Anniversary Mass, typically celebrated each year in October, honors those celebra ng wedding anniversaries,

with special recogni on to couples with 25, 50 or 60 years of marriage. The Mass will take place on Sunday, October 24th, at 3:30pm at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh. Register to a end the Mass and/

or to receive a Commemora ve Cer ficate at:


On October 17, we join Catholic Daughters around the world in celebra ng CDA Sunday.

The Court Monsignor Michael A. Irwin #1704 was established 66 year ago on September 8th,

the Feast of the Blessed Mother. A er the 11:00PM Mass, CDA members will be in the

Atrium to share informa on about our Court.

Please stop by, we would love to meet you!



Saint Paul Catholic School welcomes the parents and grandparents of our Parish to a new program. We can discover how to connect deeper as a family by discovering

more about our Catholic faith, strengthen our rela onships according to God’s gi s of family, self, life, love and community.

As we progress through these weeks, we will have guest speakers discussing prayer, the Bible, myths and facts of the Catholic faith and more. October focus: Prayer. Join any week! This Tuesday and every Tuesday evening at our school for wine and cheese, guest speakers and small group discussions. 6:30 to 8:00 pm. No RSVP needed. Future topics will be set by the group.

Thank you to everyone who made the Saint Paul Catholic School Fall Fes val and Raffle a success this weekend. Congratula ons to our raffle winners, interna onal cookoff winners, and the student winners of our pumpkin art contest. Thank you to our volunteers, donors, and those who purchased raffle ckets. Your generosity has made our goal of expanding the school playground, including a special area designed for our Li le Knights, closer to a reality.

Congratula ons to the Saint Paul Catholic School Cross

Country and Volleyball Teams. Both teams worked

hard and showed steady improvement throughout

the season.

Parent, grandparents and fans enjoyed watching our athletes compete and are proud of their efforts and the sportsmanship they


On Saturday, October 23rd, Saint Paul will host

the EIC Conference volleyball tournament in the FLC. Please join us in

cheering for both the Varsity and Junior

Varsity Lady Knights as they compete in a round robin style tournament with the other teams.


There will be a Parent Mee ng on Sunday, October 17th at 9:30AM

in the School Library. Parents / guardians of Catholic children in Grade 2, and

Basic 2, who a end Faith Forma on or Saint Paul Catholic School are to a end.

The topic is The Sacrament of Penance—Prepara on and Understanding. This is part of the parent obliga on

to prepare their child to receive this Sacrament.

October 17, 2021

Dear Friends at Saint Paul: The first priority to highlight here is the Sunday a ernoon Bicentennial Event on the Future of Catholicism, beginning at 3:30pm. I am honestly EAGER to welcome you to this event… come out of personal interest, parish support, intellectual curiosity, home escape, even just ‘cause I ask, or “jus’ cause”! Your par cipa on is invited, valued and appreciated. Thank you to Father Gaunt and Monsignor Clay for their great contribu ons in their careers and ministries and for us at Saint Paul this Sunday. Congratula ons to the Bicentennial Commi ee for all the effort, care and personal investment required for the great events that we have already enjoyed. Many thanks to the Choirs, Deacons and Hosts for each of the events, including the Pastoral Council who meet monthly to give me advice to improve our parish. We have consulted with the Craven County Health Department concerning the most recent data for our neighbors in the con nuing spread of Covid-19. We no ce that the urgency of the news has diminished for us in North Carolina, but does this really reflect improvement for us locally? Hospital admissions for severe cases of the illness have decreased and the “posi vity” rate has gone down. Thanks be to God! So, are we “in the clear”? Not Yet. The Health Department con nues to encourage masks for indoor gatherings, especially with large groups of people who have infrequent contact, especially for the hour we are in church together. Hand washing and maintaining social distance are advisable. We do NOT want to see the improvements reverse nor our parish suffer some “spreader” accident. Please keep up the for tude to move us through the pandemic with prudence and care for others. Many of us are sure that we are “coming out” of the danger… let’s make it so! We have recently heard from many people about the importance of music in worship and the frustra on with the “choir cau on” that we have been exercising. The lack of song books and the varied differences between prac ces at different Masses has also been discussed. The choir directors of each Mass have recently had a mee ng to work out a common and effec ve improvement to the music ministry. We will begin to see the posi ve effects of these efforts. The Liturgy Commi ee and the parish Staff are listening to everyone’s input! Let us pray that we can find the right balance between musical worship and virus diminishment! Peace,

Coordinator of Youth Ministry Needed

Saint Paul Parish has begun an ac ve search for our new Youth Minister. You may be the right person! We are looking for a change agent to help us create a different future, especially in ministry but more in life, for our

teens and young adults. This is an exci ng, crea ve opportunity to engage in some of the most important work in our church: sharing the Good News and guiding and inspiring our best treasure, our youth.

We are seeking a “coach” or “trainer” type person who can inspire and teach adults to work with teens in small groups and bring them together to celebrate and share their rich talents and eager altruism. The Job Descrip on

can be found at our website ( Inquiries and resumes can be sent to


CHURCH OFFICE: 252-638-1984 NIGHT EMERGENCY: 252-638-4436

Father Thomas S. Tully, Pastor:

Deacon Rick Fisher: 252-229-1644

Deacon Jim Hacke : 973-479-8909

Deacon Dan Doban: 724-244-2211

Deacon Dave Kierski, Saint Paul School Principal: 252-633-0100

Parish Care Coordinator DeLesa Conway:

Bookkeeper, Donna Simon:

Bulle n: bulle

Catholic Chari es: 252-638-2188

Catholic Daughters: Mary Ann Harper, 252-633-3473

Cemetery: Danny Gennantonio, 252-637-2322 (Home) - In Church office only on Weds 9-10am

Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist: Mary Spano, 252-633-4768

Eucharis c Ministers (Home/Sick): Dennis Colbert, 252-638-1555

Faith Forma on: Joy Harsen,252-229-2394

Finance Council: Skip Zimmerman, 616-516-1730

Finance Manager: Rich Petri, 732-890-2241

Funeral Arrangements: 252-638-1984,

Knights of Columbus Third Degree: Steven Harman, 252-259-3497

Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree: Doug Uhland, 252-638-5953

Music Ministry: Ellie Roberts, 252-474-6707

Pastoral Council: Maggy Costandy,

RCIA Coordinator: Deacon Jim Hacke

Religious Community Services: 252-633-2767

School Board: Rick Dean, 252-631-2122


To submit bulle n ar cles, email bulle The deadline is Thursdays at noon. All requests should be

sent in editable format 11 days before the bulle n issue date.


Reconcilia on: Thursdays 10:45-11:45am, Saturday 3:30-4:30pm or by appointment. Bap sm: First me parents must a end Bap smal Prepara on Classes. Email Bap

First Communion/Confirma on: Contact the church office. Marriages: Contact church office - 6 month advance no ce is required.

Anoin ng of the Sick: Contact the church office or rectory (252-638-4436). Funerals: Call 638-4436 or e-mail


The complete Parish Calendar, as well as past bulle ns, are always available for viewing at our website:


PLEASE JOIN OUR TEAM!!! It’s just 2 hours per month and it’s fun! And, you get to shop our new items first as

one of the team. Really – just 2 hours per month – what could be easier? Also, you will get to meet parishioners and help them with their purchase

selec ons. What a great way to serve our parish. WE NEED YOU! Coming Soon: 2022 Sunday Missals. We’ll let you know when they arrive

late October. Open Sun. 9–1 & Wed. 9–11 in the Family Life Center. All proceeds benefit St. Paul Church.


We are in desperate need of Eucharis c Ministers to the Sick and Home Bound on Sunday mornings. We currently have nineteen ministers. However, we require sixteen to

eighteen more ministers in order that we might cover all the places that we visit without having to assign people to mul ple routes each month. Our current schedule runs though December 2021. So, if I can get at least sixteen more volunteers, I can have them trained and ready to go in me for the next schedule which runs from January through March 2022 and that would ease the burden quite considerably on my current staff of volunteers. It would require approximately 1 to 2 hours a er Mass on Sunday and, with the needed number of ministers, it would only be for one Sunday per month. I ask that you, prayerfully, consider joining our ministry to help bring our Lord to those who are unable to be with us at the altar on Sunday morn-ings. May the Holy Spirit help guide you in your decision and thank you on behalf of the sick and home bound of the parish. Feel free to call me at 252-670-9329 or 638-1555 if you have any ques ons or would like more informa on. Denny Colbert, Coordinator for Eucharis c Ministers to the Sick and Home Bound

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