Social Networking

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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History of Social Networking

Definition- an online community of people with a common interest who use a Website or other technologies to communicate with each other and share information.

Allows individuals to connect with friends, family, or outsiders

First social networking was AOL-Helped people by communicating through

email and instant messenger Can share ideas , activities, events and other


Most Popular Social Networks

Twitter Facebook MySpace

MySpace History

Founded in 2003 by Tom Anderson

Allows users to customize their profiles with music, banners, and important upcoming dates

2006 was MySpace’s big year and tripled its ratings since it had first started

Facebook History Started by Mark Zuckerberg, Harvard

University Graduate First started off with only Harvard

students Expanded to everyone by 2006 (high

schools, colleges & businesses) Easy to learn how to use- gives you

pointers to where information is suppose to go

Has more than 800 million active users.

During 2008 Facebook was at the top of the chart for most popular social networking sites

Twitter History Founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey. A site that allows you to tweet

about what is going on in your life. Gives people a chance to tell

friends where they are. Less condense website then other

social networking sites. Celebrities and athletes use this

website to keep people up to date with what they are doing.

As of right now there are 200 millions users who update tweets daily.

Twitter Cont.

Some famous people who use this site is Aston Kutcher, Demi Moore, MC Hammer, Oprah and Martha Stewart.

Interesting Facts

More people spend time on Facebook observing their friends pages then actually posting content- study done by department of Psychology at Georgetown.

Facebook is used most often for social interaction, primarily with friends.

Women dominate men when using social networking sites with 68%.

Facebook has started to reach market capacity. (157.2 million visitors and 73% of the total U.S. Internet population each month.)


There are some privacy settings that you have to enable on the page.

Basic Privacy settings are “only friends”, “friends of friends” or “everybody”.

People have complained that strangers are looking at their pictures and wall posts.

The only privacy setting is to make your page private.- this means that you have to approve the person to follow you.

By putting this on your tweets will only be visible to users you’ve approved.


Is expected to grow even more in year 2012

Facebook Users

Most popular

age ranges

from 18-25

Current Status

MySpace has had a huge decline in the past few years due to Facebook

Facebook has a lot more users then MySpace ever did.

People plan for Twitter to continue to grow and possibly surpass Facebooks numbers in the next few years.

Factors to Watch

Mobile devices including more apps for social networking sites.

Facebook- shorten history on your page. Enhance the features New Release- if your friend is watching a movie

on Netflix, you can start watching the movie within Facebook with no charge fee.

Filtering what you share with you friends is going to get harder with the network.

New social networking site- Whereberry(linked with Facebook)

Whereberry is about what your future plans are.

Facebook Timeline
