15 June 2017 Edition #9 Kookaburra...

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15 June 2017 Edition #9

Kookaburra Chronicles

On Friday 12 May our Kindy B class hosted a special Mother's Day afternoon tea to spoil all of our lovely mums!

Each mum was treated to a 5 star massage followed by a manicure and make up application! There was also mummy and me paintings, bracelet making and some special songs sung just for mum. A yummy afternoon tea followed with treats made by the Kindy children.

Thank you to all our mums and nanna's that came. We had a wonderful time with you all.

Kindy B Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

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Dear Parents and Caregivers

An inclusive learning environment

Over the past 5 years we’ve developed a really highly skilled, flexible, collaborative

and adaptive team at South Padbury. The team to which I refer is all of our teachers,

education assistants and office and administrative staff. I’ve purposely and very

deliberately formed a team with a skills matrix that can meet the needs of all students

whether the needs be academic (at both ends of the spectrum), social, physical or

emotional. Having this team function so well has meant that we now receive a lot of enrolment requests from out of

boundary students who have specific needs that need to be addressed by a multi skilled workforce that we now


Having these students join us really does add to the rich fabric of our school and I know that with time we’ll all be

successful. Having students with special needs adds to the holistic learning experience that is South Padbury and

my only wish is that we had more room to accommodate more of these students.


We are currently busy completing all of our students’ Semester 1 reports. The reports will be handed out on Friday 30 June 2017. Any parents/caregivers who would prefer the reports in electronic form can arrange this with me prior to the reports being handed out.

School Visit

On Wednesday 14 June 2017 we had a school visit and integration day with Scaddan PS, Cascade PS and Salmon Gums PS. It was great for our staff and students to play and work with children from schools that are so very different to ours. I really appreciate the warmth and hospitality extended to these schools by our staff and students and it was great to see and work with Principal Deb Hayes again.

Boys Play

Since I was a primary school student in the 1970’s, society has changed so much and the way in which boys are allowed to play has also changed accordingly. What was acceptable when I was a boy is no longer acceptable and I think that boys do lose out in this area. The challenge is for us to find a balance between boys’ need to exert energy and what is acceptable behaviour in the year 2017. We’ve struggled to find this balance lately with our older boys and we’ve implemented some structures around solving the issue. All TA10 &TA11 have been informed via the app. about the measures we’ve taken. I know that the steps taken will ensure a more successful play regime in the second half of the year for our older boys.


Our school is so fortunate to have such an active and engaged P&C who organise such cool things for our students to engage in. I look forward to Friday nights Disco and seeing you all there.


Next week – week 9 – is a massive week for sport at South Padbury. On Wednesday we have our intra school cross country and on Friday we participate in the annual Winter Lightning Carnival. I’m looking forward to both events and all of our competitors putting in a 100% effort and displaying exceptional sportsmanship whether they win, lose or draw.

David Knox



The next assembly will be held on Friday 30 June and will be conducted by

our Year 3 students in TA6. The assembly will commence at 8:45 am in the

undercover area.

Parents of the children are invited to morning tea with Miss Donnelly and

the Principal in the Staff Room immediately after the assembly.

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Scitech Incursion

On Wednesday our Pre-Primary to Year 2 children participated in an exciting Scitech incursion. They took a journey through our daytime sky as it makes the exciting change to night. Following that they participated in a hands on workshop where they had the opportunity to build a shelter from the weather. They then created a wild and windy day to test their shelter out.

Country Schools Visit

This week 3 different country schools visited the Year 6 classes. The different schools that visited were Salmon Gum , Cascade and Scaddan. They only have around 30 people in a whole primary school! We were learning about the importance of Aboriginal languages for NAIDOC Week and read a story in English then in Yorta Yorta language. We also discussed different types of Aboriginal art and made our own using cross hatching. We really enjoyed their visit and we hope they did as well.


St John First Aid Incursion

This week we had the St John First Aid. We learnt about the DRSABCD and how to save someone in need. Also everyone received a ruler, certificate and a sticker. Thank you everyone for participating in this event and I hope everyone had a fun time.



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Asthma Awareness Free Dress

Last Thursday students dressed to raise money for the

Asthma Awareness Free Dress Day. We raised an amazing $435.50.

Thank you to all of the students.


On Wednesday 7 June it

was Tuart vs Acacia in the

Grand Final. It was a very

close game until Connor

McCormick broke through

and kicked a goal for Tuart!

Acacia pushed for an

equalizer but Tuart held on

to win 1 – 0. Thank you to

Fletcher, Sonny and Luka

for refereeing and

congratulations to Acacia

for making the final.

Austin Crofts

Last Thursday Acacia and

Tuart went up against

each other in the faction

netball Grand Final. It was

a tight game, but Acacia

finally overcame their

opponents to win. All the

faction teams played so

well over the competition

and especially Tuart to

make the final. We would

also like to thank all the

captains, players, umpires

and scorers for making

such a great competition,

playing to their best and

having fun.

Asthma Awareness Fundraiser

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2017 AFL Girls Dockers Lightning Cup Carnival

On Wednesday Mrs Williams took a group of excited Year 5 and Year 6 girls to McDonald Reserve to

represent South Padbury in the Dockers Lightning Cup Carnival. What a sensational day! The girls

had a lot of fun and showed great team work. Team captains Adele Clayton and Grace Tomkinson did

a wonderful job assisting Mrs Williams. Well done to all the girls and thank you to Mrs Williams!




* Edu-Dance

* P&C Disco

* Bricks4Kidz

* L7 Health and Fitness

Contact Information: 56 Warburton Avenue PADBURY WA 6025 Phone: 08 9307 5833 Email: southpadbury.ps@education.wa.edu.au www.southpadburyprimaryschool.wa.edu.au Police Communications: 131 444 Education Security: 9264 4771 or 9264 4632

Dates to put in your diary….

Friday 16 June St Johns Incursion

Friday 16 June P&C School Disco

Wednesday 21 June School X Country

Wednesday 21 June 7pm P&C Meeting - Staffroom

Friday 23 June Interschool Lightning Carnival

Monday 26 June NAIDOC Week commences

Thursday 29 June Newsletter

Friday 30 June TA6 Assembly

Friday 30 June Reports home via stsudents

Friday 30 June Last day of term 2

Monday 17 July TERM 3 Commences

P&C News

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We are busy getting ready for our first Disco of the year. Thank you to all our parent helpers, we couldn't do it without you!

We will be selling tickets to our much anticipated Movie night next week. Despicable Me 3 will be a fantastic movie for our littlest movie goers all the way through to the bigger movie goers. The movie will be shown at 4:30pm on Friday 30th June at Warwick Grand Cinemas - such a great way to finish the term.

Our next P&C meeting will be held on Wednesday 21 June at 7pm in the Staff room. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Thank you to everyone for your support in buying the Entertainment Book/App for this year.

I am only waiting for 29 books to either be returned or bought out of 242 families so well done all!!!

Can you please return, purchase the book or buy a digital copy ASAP so we can finalise our fundraiser soon.

**Personal notes will go home to those who have not returned the book at the end of next week.**

Here is the link to purchase online


Jo Pethrick 0402229982

Entertainment Books

This very popular activity will commence in week 1 of Term 3. We require all payments and consent forms

returned to the office by the end of this term, which is very close. Thank you to the generosity of the P&C

who have once again subsidised lessons. Please pay via our Qkr App or if you are unable to use this

payment option, please collect a permission slip from the front office. Edu-dance lessons will run weekly

culminating in a concert in week 9.
