Post on 25-Sep-2020

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Pastoral Assistants: Deacon Ronald Simon (Retired)…713.734.4530 Deacon Orrin Dwight Burroughs...281.485.1971 Office Hours: Mon.–Fri. 9:00am – 5:00pm Phone: 713.734.0320 Fax: 713.734.0331 Email: or Hall: 713.733.8000

To register, complete registration form, call, or come by the office or visit our website.

PARISH SECRETARY Runda J. Bailey……………….....713.734.0320

BOOKKEEPER Chris Cronin…………………...…713.659.5461 FACILITIES MANAGER

Arthur Franciour.……………832.212.5691


Shirley Moss……………..…713.842.3520

LECTORS Mary Helen Rideaux.……....713.398.2382


Charles Hendricks…............713.553.7245 ANGEL & PRAISE DANCER Monique Auzenne................713.875.3671


Arnell Wells………….……...713.733.9006 David Collins, Sr.….…….….832.758.7246 Fr. Chris Mary, MSP…….....713.734.0320 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL

Rose Lewis………….……….713.882.1134


Dorothy Babineaux.……..….832.566.6300 Bea Cunningham.……….….832.622.7652


Dcn. Ronald Simon….…….713.734.4530

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Susan Walker………………..713.734.1961

USHERS & HOSPITALITY Wilfred Gray………….... 713.738.3581

Mon-Tue ……….……………..….. 7:00 pm Wed-Thurs-Fri…….……….… …7:00 am Thurs – Adoration……………7am – 7pm Sunday ……………...….10:00 am ONLY!

LITURGY COMMITTEE Deacon Orrin Burroughs……281.485.1971 MARRIAGE MINISTRY RCIA Fr. Chris Mary, MSP………….713.734.0320 Barbara Andrus………………832.514.0757

PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Andrill Davis…………………..281.782.3141

CCE FOR CHILDREN Angelia Linzy..........................713.733.8000

YOUTH MINISTRY Karen Roberson …………….713.922.4822 SACRISTAN & ACOLYTE David Collins, Sr……….…….832.758.7246

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please call the parish office for appointment with the Pastor. Preparation classes are required for parents and Godparents.


Only by appointment!

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples must contact the Pastor or any of

our Deacons at least six months prior to

the intended wedding date. If remarrying

and in other special cases, one year before

intended wedding date.

PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Anyone who is scheduled for surgery

for a serious illness; anyone whose

health is seriously impaired by sickness or

old age should be anointed as soon as

possible (preferably before going to the

hospital). Contact the Parish priest for


FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS Please contact the parish office before

making arrangements with the funeral


Thursday Adoration 7:00 am – 7:00 PM First Friday Holy Hour of Reparation

7:00 AM – 8:00 AM

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email messages from the


Text the word SPNH to 84576

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Pray for the Sick & Shut In

Get Well Soon

Natasha Alie, Paul Alimaji, Dorothy

Babineaux, Anna Broussard, Rose

Broussard, Wallace Charles, James

Clark, Leola Collins, Marie Collins, Betty

Conley, Freddie Conley, Robert Conley,

Mary Demus, Earstene Dotson, Caffery

Eli, Ruby Fields, Ann Foster, Amy Gallow,

William Gardiner, Robert Gillord, Rose

Guilbeau, Joseph Guillory, Karlin Good,

Peter Good, Sheryl Graham, Anna Guidry,

Daniel Guidry, Derella Heflin, Kendall

Henry, Kyle Henry, Tracy Henry, Marie

Hill, Willie Howard, Laura Huntsberry,

Robert Gibson, Jane Johnson, Iona

Jones, Vincent Jones, Anna Joseph,

Kathryn Kay, Howard Kennerson,

Georgia Kyle, Orphy Lewis, Dee Lewis,

Damian Manuel, Hazel Marks, Willie Mae

Mays, Maxine Matthews, Joseph &

Tallulah McMillon, Royce N. Meekins,

Latonya Miles, Geraldine Milson, Pauline

Minkins, Lillie Morris, Kaelyn Mudd,

Matthew Neveu, Shirley Perry, Josiah

Peterson, Mary Beatrice Pickering,

Krunslete Posey, Ricky Premeaux,

Herman Rayme, Verna Rayme, Hila

Richard, Geraldine Roberts, Winzell

Roberts, Jr., Jaquetta Robinson, Kenneth

Robinson, Sr., Kenneth Rogers, Mary

Sallie, Merrick Sam, Sr., Shontell

Robinson Sanders, The Sanders Family,

Margaret Senegal, Mario Scott, Montra

Scott, Brittany Sims, Roderick Simmons,

Rufus Smith, Barbara Stafford, Roosevelt

Stafford, Campsey Thomas, Freddie Ray

Thomas, Roland Trent, Mary Ann

Thomas, Mary Ward, Johnny & Patricia

Williams, Johnny Williams Jr., Cathy

Winn, Raymond Winn, Jim „Papa‟

Woods, Jean Zeno, Reginald Jackson,

Judy Humphries, Marina Guilbeau,

Delores Mitchell, Dorothy Spencer,

Richard Robles, David A. Robinson,

Desria Pradia, Joe Mott, Ruth Thomas

and all of the ill and shut-ins.

“Seek the Lord while he may be found, call him while he is near,” Isaiah counsels us in the first words from today‟s first reading. We come together today to see the Lord in word and sacrament, knowing that he can be found in scripture, in the Eucharist, and in each other. We call to him now, lifting our voices in song and prayer, aware of his closeness as we are gathered two or more in his name.



SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2020: 10:00 am




This Mass is live-streamed at 10:00 am every Sunday. Try

to join us from home on Philip Neri Facebook.


We are now into the second month of weekly Bible

Study every Wednesday via teleconference from the

comfort of our homes. It is encouraging that those who

did not have the opportunity prior to COVID-19, now can

study the Bible from home just by calling in. To join us

please dial: 1. 605.313.5544 - Access Code: 618351


We Offer Weekday Masses. Masses can still be booked

and offered for your intentions. All Mass Intentions

must be submitted in writing. All morning Masses

begin at 7:00 a.m., evening Masses at 7:00 p.m.


Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is. 55:6-9 Phil.1:20c-24, 27a

Mt. 20:1-16a

Feast of St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist Ep. 4:1-7, 11-13

Mt. 9:9-13

Twenty-Fifth Tuesday in Ordinary Time

Pr. 21:1-6, 10-13 Lk. 8:19-21

Memorial of St. Pius of

Pietrelcina, Priest Gal. 2:19-20 Mt. 16:24-27

Twenty-Fifth Thursday in

Ordinary Time Ec: 1:2-11 Lk. 9:7-9

Twenty-Fifth Friday in Ordinary Time

Ec. 3:1-11 Lk. 9:18-22

Twenty-Fifth Saturday in

Ordinary Time Ec11:9-12:8 Lk. 9:43b-45

SEPTEMBER 13, 2020


DSF Report –JULY 2020

Goal: $30,190.00 Total Paid $9,809.11 Total Pledged $14,534.11 # of Participants: 46 Percent Paid: 32.49%

IGNITE CAMPAIGN, 2019 - 2023

Goal $182,825.00 Total Pledged $93,559.50 Total Amount Paid $28,239.50 # of Participants 49

It will be a wise thing to “seek the Lord while he may be

found” and not wait until it is too late.

Third, seek the Lord in Each Other. People are finding

God in each other again. Sometimes we think we are

self-sufficient. No! We need others to help us in the line of


The parable of the Workers in the Vineyard in today‟s

gospel is an intrigue for many to understand. Like every

parable, the lesson is at the end of the story. It would

baffle everyone that the last becomes the first and the

first will be last, (cf. Mt. 20:16). “The Vineyard of the

Lord is the house of Israel,” so said the Scriptures. The

point is that we are those workers, sent on mission. We

are to follow Christ in the fields and make disciples for

him. Are you bringing people into God‟s vineyard?

Who are the people you are evangelizing? Or are you

busy sitting tight in your pew, or occupying the seat of

honor, instead of stepping up? It is not about your

position in our ministry or organization. People who allow

such things to get into their heads, are those who would

wonder why they occupied such positions but would not

make it to the sainthood, while the new comers make it.

Those who received the message and went out to bear

much fruit come back bringing in the sheaves, a

hundredfold, or sixtyfold, or thirtyfold. (cf. Mt. 13:8). Some

started well but dropped off before their train got to

its final station. God invites you today to his own

ministry to come and make a difference. Who restricts

you? Brake that shackle tied round your hands and feet

by those who tend to make you feel that they control the

economy of grace. Know the Lord from your inmost

being. Know his word, the word of life, and have it round

your waist and as your breast plate. Have it on your lips

that you may evangelize many, and in your heart that you

may worship in Spirit and truth, (cf. John 4:24). God‟s

promise is eternal life to all. That is your pay!

In Conclusion: St. Paul in prison advises us of the

stance he had taken. “Christ will be magnified in my body,

whether by life or by death. … I am caught between the

two.” (Phil. 1:20c-23a). How do you, as a Christian, weigh

your usefulness in Christ‟s mission? Is it by worldly

economy or by heavenly economy? Paul‟s message

today is a measuring rod for us all. Why do you do what

you do in church? Is it because of the pay you receive, or

because of what? How do you judge the difference if you

do receive pay? Sometimes people think they are

working for God, when in fact, they are working for

themselves. Take away the pay and you see them no

more. Not only that, some even organize silent protest in

the Church, and grumble when things do not go their

way, against the Lord and his anointed. St. Paul invites

us to measure the impact of our ministries by the turnover

of souls we have brought to Christ, or deprived, or taken

away from him, and by how many towns and villages, and

places we converted to Christ, because we are being

hired and placed on mission as Christ‟s ambassadors.

FROM FR. CHRIS ALIMAJI‟S DESK Reflections on the Workers in the Vineyard On this 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year

A, our Readings are from Isaiah 55:6-9;

Philippians 1:20c-24, 27a; Matthew 20:1-

16a; and our Song of Praise is Psalm 145.

Today‟s messages from Scripture are

remarkably interesting. They are incredibly

challenging too. See if they challenge you

as well. Do they make you smile, hopeful,

or do they make you sad and feel cheated;

and you cry out, “this is unfair”? First,

remember that our God is a generous and

merciful God. Look at Paul (Saul) who

persecuted the Church. Now he is a saint.

Yes, God‟s thoughts and ways are not like

ours. (cf. Is. 55:8). God does not measure

or weigh his grace and mercy to us by

worldly standards. This is certainly an

invitation to grace for us humans. Since

God is so generous and merciful to us, our

challenge here as Isaiah would suggest, is

that we step up! Step up to God‟s

benevolence with constancy in prayer.

Hence the prophet says that we “Seek the

Lord while he may be found, call him while

he is near,” (Is. 55:6). Who has called on

the Lord and he did not answer? The

psalmist today says that “The Lord is near

to all who call upon him.” Prayer is the

master key in our relationship with God.

“Seek the Lord” says the Prophet.

Let me enumerate on 3 Ways we can

seek the Lord.

First, seek the Lord in the Scriptures. Read

and study the Bible. Try to attend Bible

Study – One of our new conventional

ministries during this pandemic is Bible

Study by teleconference. Many souls are

returning to it. In pre-COVID-19, people

had several excuses why they could not

attend our Bible Studies. Now with people

on lockdown, we can join from the comfort

of our homes without excuses.

Second, seek the Lord in the Sacraments.

The Eucharist has once again become a

new source of strength and hope for many.

Many are turning to confession of sins to

make amends with God and neighbor. This

time around, make sure you are in

friendship with God since the „angel of

death‟ called coronavirus is roaming

around looking for souls to commit to





Thank you for taking the pains to return your

weekly offerings. We appreciate your efforts.

Visit our website to see our latest developments

and how you can give online too.

MASS ATTENDANCE We are about to enter a new phase in our church attendance. We give thanks to God as a parish family for his protection from coronavirus COVID-19. In the new phase we ask the Music Ministry to send two or three persons each Sunday. Let them join in singing, and to play some musical instruments after choosing the appropriate songs for the liturgy, We thank our attending church members here present who voluntarily attend Mass each week, for participating graciously in communal singing, and participating in other activities. We also thank the lectors, ushers and the sacristans for maintaining their roles during this COVID-19 and new ministries that have evolved, braving aside the fear of the virus. May the Lord reward you abundantly! Young adults, 18-35, should consider returning to church. The rest of us please continue to observe the Cardinal‟s directive regarding age and those with fever and chronic health conditions. Let us know those in need of special prayers.


Raffle Books are now available in the office for pickup during the hours of 9 am – 5 pm, Monday thru Friday. You can also pick it up today, directly following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. We are still accepting donations and appreciate your generosity and support of SPN. Regards, Jeannette Bougere, Bazaar Chair Kaphne Harris, Bazaar Co-chair


CURTIS MILBURN, brother of Dorothy Spencer was called to glory on September 11, 2020. GWEN GRAHAM, aunt of Marc Graham, sister-in-law of Joan Graham was called to glory on September 11, 2020. FREDDIE LEE LEWIS, brother of Laura Collins, was called to glory on September 16, 2020 Our deepest condolences to our SPN family on the loss of their loved ones.


Reflections on the Workers in the Vineyard

On this 25th

Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, our Readings are from Isaiah 55:6-9; Philippians

1:20c-24, 27a; Matthew 20:1-16a; and our Song of Praise is Psalm 145.

Today‟s messages from Scripture are remarkably interesting. They are incredibly challenging

too. See if they challenge you as well. Do they make you smile, hopeful, or do they make you

sad and feel cheated; and you cry out, “this is unfair”? First, remember that our God is a

generous and merciful God. Look at Paul (Saul) who persecuted the Church. Now he is a saint.

Yes, God‟s thoughts and ways are not like ours. (cf. Is. 55:8). God does not measure or weigh his

grace and mercy to us by worldly standards. This is certainly an invitation to grace for us

humans. Since God is so generous and merciful to us, our challenge here as Isaiah would

suggest, is that we step up! Step up to God‟s benevolence with constancy in prayer. Hence the

prophet says that we “Seek the Lord while he may be found, call him while he is near,” (Is.

55:6). Who has called on the Lord and he did not answer? The psalmist today says that “The

Lord is near to all who call upon him.” Prayer is the master key in our relationship with God.

“Seek the Lord” says the Prophet. Let me enumerate on 3 Ways we can seek the Lord.

First, seek the Lord in the Scriptures. Read and study the Bible. Try to attend Bible Study – One

of our new conventional ministries during this pandemic is Bible Study by teleconference. Many

souls are returning to it. In pre-COVID-19, people had several excuses why they could not attend

our Bible Studies. Now with people on lockdown, we can join from the comfort of our homes

without excuses.

Second, seek the Lord in the Sacraments. The Eucharist has once again become a new source of

strength and hope for many. Many are turning to confession of sins to make amends with God

and neighbor. This time around, people want to make sure they are in friendship with God since

the „angel of death‟ called coronavirus is roaming around looking for souls to commit to death. It

will be a wise thing to “seek the Lord while he may be found” and not wait until it is too late.

Not many people have been lucky to be attended to in the intensive care unit nowadays when

family members are not even allowed close by.

Third, seek the Lord in Each Other. People are finding God in each other again. Sometimes we

think we are self-sufficient. No! We need others to help us in the line of grace. Many first

responders, whether it be with the COVID-19 or with the Hurricanes, tornado, fire, flood, etc.

have been God-sent to those they helped to rescue. We can see God‟s face in our neighbors,

families, friends, co-workers and fellow worshippers. But the time to seek God is now.

The parable of the Workers in the Vineyard in today‟s gospel is an intrigue for many to

understand. Like every parable, the lesson is at the end of the story. It would baffle everyone that

the last becomes the first and the first will be last, (cf. Mt. 20:16). “The Vineyard of the Lord is

the house of Israel,” so said the Scriptures. The point is that we are those workers, sent on

mission. We are to follow Christ in the fields and make disciples for him. Are you bringing

people into God’s vineyard? Who are the people you are evangelizing? Or are you busy

sitting tight in your pew, or occupying the seat of honor, instead of stepping up? It is not about

your position in our ministry or organization. People who allow such things to get into their

heads, are those who would wonder why they occupied such positions but would not make it to

the sainthood, while the new commers make it. Those who received the message and went out to

bear much fruit come back bringing in the sheaves, a hundredfold, or sixtyfold, or thirtyfold. (cf.

Mt. 13:8). Some started well but dropped off before their train got to its final station. They

busied themselves so much with the cares of this world that they could not hold on any longer.

They could not make it to the finish line, like good athletes. We must with our prayers help

members like that to hold on, so that they do not drop off. We are called at various stages in our

lives, young age, middle age, and at old age. The mission is one, and the reward and promise is

one – eternal life. The promised economy of eternal life is not with the world’s currencies,

but the economy of salvation, which we receive by grace and mercy. Hence the Master said:

“My friend, I am not cheating you. Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? Take

what is yours and go. What if I wish to give this last one the same as you? Or am I not free to do

as I wish with my own money? Are you envious because I am generous?” (Mt. 20:13-15). Many

of us have difficulty in grasping how generous God is with us and his grace. It is not about when

you are called into the Vineyard or when you are baptized or how great you have labored in the

Church. God hires everyone to work in his Vineyard, including in the Church. The individuals

the landowners of the world would reject for whatever reasons, God the ultimate landowner

would hire them, and give them the same pay as the specialists. Why did no one hire the lame,

the uneducated, the weak, the lazy, the uncooperative? In the world‟s standards they count as the

masses, not as the middle class or top class. God‟s mercy and acceptance are unrestricted. God

invites you today to his own ministry to come and make a difference. Who restricts you? Brake

that shackle tied round your hands and feet by those who tend to make you feel that they control

the economy of grace. Know the Lord from your inmost being. Know his word, the word of life,

and have it round your waist and as your breast plate. Have it on your lips that you may

evangelize many, and in your heart that you may worship in Spirit and truth, (cf. John 4:24).

God‟s promise is eternal life to all. That is your pay!

In Conclusion: St. Paul in prison advises us of the stance he had taken. “Christ will be

magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. … I am caught between the two.” (Phil.

1:20c-23a). How do you, as a Christian, weigh your usefulness in Christ‟s mission? Is it by

worldly economy or by heavenly economy? Paul‟s message today is a measuring rod for us all.

Why do you do what you do in church? Is it because of the pay you receive, or because of what?

How do you judge the difference if you do receive pay? Sometimes people think they are

working for God, when in fact, they are working for themselves. Take away the pay and you see

them no more. Not only that, some even organize silent protest in the Church, and grumble when

things do not go their way, against the Lord and his anointed. St. Paul, twenty years since his

conversion, was in his third missionary journey through Gentile lands from Corinth to Antioch,

and in Philippi. He invites us to measure the impact of our ministries by the turnover of souls we

have brought to Christ, or deprived, or taken away from him, and by how many towns and

villages, and places we converted to Christ, because we are being hired and placed on mission as

Christ‟s ambassadors.